Anti-Asian Hate & Anti-Racism Resources

The Asian American Racial Justice Toolkit 

Created by 15 Asian American grassroots organizations, this toolkit represents the work and thinking of those living in the most precarious margins of power: low-income tenants, youth, undocumented immigrants, low-wage workers, refugees, women and girls, and queer and trans people. It reflects their experiences with criminalization, deportation, homophobia, xenophobia and Islamo-racism, war, gender violence, poverty, and worker exploitation. 

The toolkit spans 3 parts: 

  • Part 1: Racial Justice Trainings – 15 modules
  • Part 2: Organizations in Racial Justice Movements – Curriculum 
  • Part 3: Resources – Fact Sheets, Discussion Guides, Letters, Protocols

Anti-Racist Resource Guide by Victoria Lynn Alexander, MEd

This guide is for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of anti-racism and get involved to combat racism, specifically as it relates to anti-Blackness. Within this guide is a variety of resources to explore practical ways to understand, explain, and solve racial inequity, white supremacy, police violence, and injustice. 

Sacramento City College’s Community Resources for the API Community

Sacramento City College’s comprehensive resource list spans from anti-Asian violence resources, databases, and reporting tools, to resources for mental health, intergenerational communication, volunteering, and women’s empowerment. 

Anti-Racism Resources for the AAPI Community (Cornell University)

Cornell’s Asian American Studies Program compiled a list of national resources on community organizations, resource guides, zines & letters, and articles on anti-Asian racism, anti-Blackness, and the importance of coalitional politics in creating more equitable societies & communities. 

Asian American Feminist Collective Resources

This page offers creative zines on collective care, solidarity, movement-building among Asian Americans and BIPOC folks. You will also find resources on mutual aid kits, donations, domestic violence resources, and a comprehensive reading list on feminist thought & practice, poetry, and histories. 

Anti-Racist Resource Guide by Victoria Lynn Alexander, MEd

This guide is for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of anti-racism and get involved to combat racism, specifically as it relates to anti-Blackness. Within this guide is a variety of resources to explore practical ways to understand, explain, and solve racial inequity, white supremacy, police violence, and injustice. 

Sacramento City College’s Community Resources for the API Community

Sacramento City College’s comprehensive resource list spans from anti-Asian violence resources, databases, and reporting tools, to resources for mental health, intergenerational communication, volunteering, and women’s empowerment. 

Anti-Racism Resources for the AAPI Community (Cornell University)

Cornell’s Asian American Studies Program compiled a list of national resources on community organizations, resource guides, zines & letters, and articles on anti-Asian racism, anti-Blackness, and the importance of coalitional politics in creating more equitable societies & communities. 

Asian American Feminist Collective Resources

This page offers creative zines on collective care, solidarity, movement-building among Asian Americans and BIPOC folks. You will also find resources on mutual aid kits, donations, domestic violence resources, and a comprehensive reading list on feminist thought & practice, poetry, and histories. 

Racial Trauma Guide

CalAsian Foundation partnered with the Yellow Chair Collective to host 3 virtual workshops focused on understanding trauma within AAPI communities. Through this collaboration, we developed digital resources that have been translated into Chinese, Hmong, and Vietnamese.

Digital Booklet (Click to Download)

Digital Brochure (Click to Download)

Therapy Services

Entwine Community is a non-profit organization that provides accessible and affordable mental health & support services for Asian and Asian American communities in California. They provide mental health counseling services with low fee & sliding scale fees for those without proper health coverage.

Inclusive Therapists  is a social justice and liberation-oriented mental health directory, community, and resource hub. They offer a safer, simpler way to find a therapist, counselor, or coach committed to racial, queer, neurodivergence, and disability justice. 

Yellow Chair Collective is made up of professionals who have received extensive training in methods meant to meet your specific needs. They specialize in multi-cultural and Asian American experiences. Their therapists are equipped to find balance for those that want to process the immigrant experience or would like to identify how to bridge the gap of generational culture.

South Asian Therapists is the largest South Asian therapist and counseling community. Their directory includes hundreds of South Asian therapists, including Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Sri Lankan, Afghani, and Nepali heritage. 

  • Offers mental health therapy workbooks for purchase
  • South Asian therapist directory 
  • Mental health and therapy counseling articles 

Support Groups

Circles by Modern Health

Circles by Modern Health provides free support groups led by therapists and coaches through workshops, listen & learns, and discussions. Topics include challenges in the workplace, stress management, supporting your child’s mental health, challenges in family relationships, and many more. 

SF National Alliance on Mental Health

NAMI support groups are led by teams of two peers, meetings emphasizing hope and community. They offer support for loved ones, families, and caregivers; individuals living with a mental health condition; and support for BIPOC individuals. Free of charge. 

Asian Mental Health Collective

AHMC offers support groups led by Asian mental health professionals to provide a space for Asian-identifying individuals to connect with and seek support from other members. Each support group runs for 8 weeks with no cost. 

Chinese Mental Health Assoication

The MHACC aims to raise awareness of mental health within the Chinese community, providing free support groups in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. For families, younger adults, and older generations. 

Asian Mental Health Project

The AMHP offers a variety of free, peer-led wellness groups for community healing for queer Asians, Asian women wellness, Asian adoptee empowerment, Proud Asian men, and Stay in, Check in, among others. 

Yellow Chair Collective

Yellow Chair Collective is made up of a team of psychotherapists who provide support groups on topics such as emotion management, Asian female & femme body journey, ADHD coaching, sensitive feelers & empaths, among others. 

Worksheets and Toolkits

1. Therapist Aid provides hundreds of free downloadable mental health worksheets: 

  • For children, adolescents, and adults 
  • Example worksheets: Creating work-life boundaries, stress exploration, grief, perfectionism, mindfulness techniques

2. Burnout prevention toolkit  developed by A Safe Haven for Asian Americans (ASHAA) 

3. Mind Share Partners: downloadable toolkits for workplace mental health

  • Including creating an employee resource group for mental health, communication kits, and creating mentally health workplaces

4. Yellow Chair Collective podcast that shares stories and insights from top experts.


Mental Health First Aid free training course

  • Teaches you how to help someone who is developing a mental health problem or experiencing a mental health crisis
  • Helps you identify, understand, and respond to signs of addiction and mental illnesses

Right To Be – Bystander Intervention Trainings

Right To Be is a non-profit organization that provides free trainings to the public to make a change and channel attention into simple, creative, and effective action. You will find tools to learn how to respond, intervene, and heal from harassment. 

Trainings include: 

  • Preventing & Responding to Harassment 
  • Conflict De-Escalation 
  • Bystander Intervention Training 
  • Resilience Trainings 
  • How to Lead Discussions